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Hello, and welcome back to Seoul Digital University’s English Language Department’s Basic Conversation English 1. I am your professor, Ronald Lethcoe and we are now at week number 4. I hope you guys have enjoyed our lessons so far. Let's just continue with what we're learning and continue with our learning English. So, let's look here, we have our week 4 objectives. This week we are going to be talking about likes and dislikes. So, we're going to continue talking about ourselves because that’s the best way we can speak in English, right? If we know how to talk about ourselves. So, we're going to talk about what we like and what we dislike. We're going to use the simple present with ‘like’ (that's going to be our grammar lesson).We are going to learn how to talk in simple easy present with the word ‘like’, like, “I like this,” and “I don't like this.” By the end of the week, we should understand conversations about what people like and we should understand short text about what people like. So, it’s all about what we like. In particular, we're going to be talking about our favorite singers or groups. So, we're talking about singing and we're talking about music (any musical group). We’re going to talk about many different kinds of music vocabulary. We're going to talk about many kinds of music. There’s so many different styles of music and we're going to look at them all today and throughout this week. So, before we start on week four, we should go back and look at week 3. In week 3 we talked about personal possessions. If you remember ‘this is my cell phone’ ‘that is my car’ ‘these are my keys’ and ‘those are my glasses’ right? That, this and these, that and those. If you're not quite sure the difference between that and these and these and those I would recommend going back to week 3 where we talk about personal possessions. If you're ready and you understand week 3, let’s look at this scenario, okay? We have, let’s imagine (oh, imagine means to think). So, imagine that you went to a concert (a concert is any any sort of live music you're watching some band play or some singer sing). So, you went to a concert and lost many of the things from your bag. Oh no! You have your bag, maybe a purse or backpack, and many things fell out of your bag. Oh no, they're lost. We lost lost many things from your bag. You go to the security guard (you remember last time the lady went to the security guard ‘is that mine’ ‘is this mine’) and ask him about your stuff. You're going to ask “is that my thing?” So, let's get started. You, this is you. This is what you are going to say. I need help right here, filling in what you're going to say. I'll help with the security guard. So, you are going to say “is that blank school ID card?” “is that school ID card?” What are you going to say? If you're talking about it, it belongs to me, it’s my possession. You would say “is that my school ID card.” So, you're talking, you see this security guard “Ah, is that my, is that my ID card? Is that my school ID?” He says “what is name?” “What is blank name?” He wants to know, he's looking at the card,‘hmmm, what is your name?” He has to make sure your name is the same as the card. So, my name is: that’s you. You put your name. So, I would say my name is Ronald. You would say ‘my name is…’ and put your name here. Security guard says “oh, okay. Same name. Yes, it is. It is blank school ID.” So, he’s talking to you, it is your school ID. Now, “is your wallet?” When we said “is that my school ID” she's pointing. If you are pointing here and now he wants to know (he's holding this thing here) and he says “is this, is this your wallet?” You said “Yes, it is. It’s my wallet. Thank you” So, my, your, this, your, mine. We're talking this and that. Once again, if you don't understand, go back, but if you understand everything let's move forward with week number four. This is what we will be talking about in lesson one for week four. We're going to be doing vocabulary on different kinds of music. Our first slide, ‘Do you like hip hop?’ We’re going to look at that. ‘Who is your favorite singer or group?’ and the different ‘kinds of vocabulary.’ So, that's what we're doing in this lesson today. Let's get started. We have a lot of information here (a couple pictures). Let's start to explain what this means. Let's start at the top. “Do you like hip hop?” Hip hop music, I don't know if you know, is usually a lot of rapping and a lot of big beats. “I like hip hop.” So, I'm talking about me for this slide here.So, if you ask me “do you like hip hop, professor Ronald Lethcoe?” I would say “yes, I do. I like hip hop. It’s great.” We're having a conversation, then you think “ah, what can we talk about? Ah, let's talk about music. Ronald, do you like hip hop?” I say ‘Yes, I do. I like hip hop. It's great.” This is what I say when I'm talking about the music that I like. So, I have a picture here. This is a picture of a hip hop concert that I went to many years ago. This is my favorite group. This is a group called the Wu-Tang Clan and they have my favorite kind of music. My favorite kind of music is hip hop. I really like hip-hop. So, when I say “I like hip hop. It's great.” I want to know about you, I ask you, I say “Do you like hip hop?” So, I'm asking YOU (behind, watching the video right now) “Do you like hip hop?” You can say “ahhh yes, I do” or “no, I don't.” We'll talk about that on the next slide, but right now, we're talking about me. So, you you ask me another question. You say “do you like Korean pop music?” I went here to a Crayon Pop concert and I saw them do the jumping and jumping song. I'm sorry Korea, but “no, I don't. It's terrible.” I think it’s okay, right? Right here I'm saying “no, I don't. It's terrible” because I want to show you that terrible means I really don't like something. So, if I think Korean pop music is really really bad, I say “it's terrible.” But, it's okay, okay? If you say “‘do you like Korean pop music?” I’d say “ah, it’s okay.” But, for this slide here, I would say “no I don’t, it’s terrible.” Alright, so, asking about another form of music. “Do you like hip hop?” “Do you like Korean pop music?” Over here, looking at this picture. We have another concert that I went to a long time ago. You probably can't see it but this big robot thing here says ‘Black Eyed Peas.’ If you know the Black Eyed Peas, they're kind of hip hop and pop and maybe a little electronica, right? So, now I'm talking about my friend. I want to say my friend doesn't like hip-hop. I like hip hop, right? I like hip hop, if you ask me, “do you like hip hop?” I would say “yes, I do. Yes, I do like hip hop. My friend doesn't like hip hop.” So, we're talking about “I like” and “doesn't like.” If I'm talking about my friend, I say “he doesn't like.” We will cover “doesn't like”’ and “like” and “don't like.” We will cover that in our grammar video which is lesson number 2, but for now “my friend doesn't like hip hop, but he likes the Black Eyed Peas.” So, here’s a “doesn’t like” and then here’s a “like.” He likes the Black Eyed Peas. So many many hip hop artists: Wu Tang Clan, A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul. But he doesn't like hip hop. He likes the Black Eyed Peas. So, these are just a couple things that I may say in a conversation, if you ask me about music I can say “ah, I like hip hop, I don’t like Korean pop music. I like the Black Eyed Peas. And my friends like the Black Eyed Peas.” Just a couple things you can say, we’re going to be talking more about this as we go on through the week. But for now, I want to ask you. I have some examples here, but I want to know what you think. So, I want to know “who's your favorite singer or group.” This is a different question from before “do you like?” This is “who's”. Who's is a person, right? A person like me or a person like her or her or her. “Who's your favorite singer or group?” Really quick, singer, when I say “singer”, I mean one person. Usually just one person. And a group would be something like 2 or 5 or sometimes in Korea you have the group with 10 singers in the group. We call it a group when it’s more than one. “I like Madonna” “I don’t like Shakira.” This is some examples of what you might say, right? If I'm asking you “who's your favorite singer?” you would say “my favorite singer is blah blah blah.” (Whoever your favorite singer is). So, if your favorite singer is Madonna (this is a Madonna picture right here) you can say “my favorite singer is Madonna.” Or instead of “who's your favorite singer?”, we can say “do you like Latin Music?” Latin music is something from a Latin country, like Mexico or Spain, or any anywhere in South America. So, same “do you like Latin music?” “Do you like hip hop?” “Do you like Korean pop?” “Do you like Latin music?” “Yes, I do.” If you don’t like it, you can say, “no, I don't.” Alright, so when you're answering “yes, I do.” and “no, I don't” you don't say like. “Yes, I do like” sounds a little strange. You can say “yes, I do. I like Latin music” but just answering “yes, I do” and “no, I don't” is good. “Do you like Latin music?” For you, you can say “yes, I do” “no, I don’t.” For me “no, I don’t.” I don’t really like like Latin, unless I'm out dancing at the salsa club. And the third question, so we’re looking at three questions here. “Who's your favorite singer?” “Do you like Latin music?” “What kind of music do you like?” So, let's say you asked me, you say “Ronald, do you like Latin music?” I say “no, I don't.” You can then ask “what kind of music do you like?” “What kind (there’s many kinds of music), what kind of music do you like?” This is the full question if we’re asking about different kinds of music. You can say “oh, I like (so I say I like hip hop) or I like pop.” “I like pop music.” “I like classical.” “I like …” (many kinds of music).So, let's say “I like music, but what is it called?” “What is the name of this music?”Let's look now at different kinds of music vocabulary. Ok, these are the different words where we're saying here. So, I have many pictures here if you want to follow along in your book. It’s on page 24 (each of these pictures there). And you can listen and number each one when you when you find out what it is in the book. But here's what we're going to do is we're going to listen first and then I'm going to tell you what each of these kinds of music is. So, take a moment to look at all the different pictures here. We have a ‘Beethoven’ can maybe you know ‘Beethoven’ ‘Jazz All Stars’ ‘Electro House’ ‘Disco Party USA’ ‘The Smarts’ ‘Hot City’ ‘El Sabor’ and ‘Missy Hits’. These are, think of like a CD cover these are different CDs. So, what we're going to do for this slide is we're going to listen to each of the different kinds and I will tell you each of the different kinds of music. So, we're going to try this. We’ll look at are first one here. Our first one here is ‘Beethoven.’ We’ll listen and then I’ll tell you the kind of music it is. So, let’s listen first we have, somewhere...There it is. This is nice a piano. Alright. So, this one this first one is here Classical music. If I say “do you like Classical music?” You say “yes I do” ”no I don't” or “what kind of music do you like?” I like cla-ssi-cal. Clas-si-cal music. Next one, I showed you really quickly, but let's listen first and then we'll talk about what it is. Alright, we have some quick drum, maybe a big bass. This one: Jazz music. Jazz.“What kind of music do you like?” “I like Jazz.” Moving on so, yea, well, there are many different types of Jazz, but if you have you know usually you can watch live you have the big guitar or some saxophone or here you have trumpet. Different kinds of Jazz. Alright. Next one. This might be, you’re at some live a concert and there is some robot, and you’re dancing. This one: El-ec-tronica Electronica. “What kind of music do you like?” “I like electronica.” This is any sort of synthesizer *synthesizer noises* This is something like, a Daft Punk, would be an electronica music. Moving on to the next one. This makes me want go out to the club and dance to some music ok? Disco party we have here. Dance music. This is music that makes you want to go out and dance. Dance with your friends or dance by yourself. Alright, this is dance music. If you listen, that’s dance music. Next one, maybe you can tell by the CD cover here. You probably know this one. Let’s listen. Alright big guitar, maybe some big drums. This one is, of course, Rock music. A lot of people knows rock music. There are many different types rock music. Really heavy rock music or a long time ago “The Beatles” were consider rock music. Rock and Roll. So, we have rock music here. This one we have guy with big chain and the hat. Let’s listen here. Oh yeah... This is the hanging out with your friends, right? Maybe driving down the road. We have this one of course: Hip hop. Lots of different hip hop styles. Notorious BIG, Tupac, all kinds of different hip hop. Can we say “hip hop”. Alright, next one, this sound that I have isn't exactly the sound of this one but it’s kind of close we have here. Ok. Like a piano. I would say this one more like *tapping sound* This is where you would go and you're dancing to some salsa music or some Rhumba with another person. This is Latin Music. La-tin Music. Latin music comes from Latin America (any South America countries) . Mexico or Brazil or something like that. This is called ‘Latin music.’ El Sabor is Spanish. And then the last one we have a ‘Missy Number One Hits’ Gotta, kind of looks like a doll here. This one is...Let's listen then say what it is. Ok. Kind of slow to come in, but once we get into it. Like dancing, dancing with your friends. If you're from Korea you definitely know this one. This is: Pop music. You guys know Korean pop music. This is popular (pop is short for popular) popular is everybody knows it. If you're going (you're walking down the street) you can hear some pop music. If you know ‘PSY’, ‘PSY’ is definitely pop music. Everybody around the world knows “PSY”. So, he’s popular around the world that is pop music. So, let's go over these different kinds of music vocabulary one time. I will tell you how to say it and then at the end, I will give you a video link for ‘YouTube,’ where you can have a little bit better quality sounds and you can listen to the different kinds of music, okay? So, but first: how to pronounce each one of these. We have Class-ic-al, classical music. “What kind of music do you like?” “I like classical music.” This is Jazz, Jazz. This one E-lec-tron-ic-a. That’s a tough one, that’s a long one. You break it up a lot. E-lec-tronica Electronica. Elec-tronica. That one is pretty tough. Here we have dance music, dance music. Down here we have rock music. Hip-hop. Latin music and Pop music. So if you noticed some of these have the word music after it: music music music music. For classical, jazz, electronica and hip hop, we don't need to say music. We can just say “I like hip hop” or “I like Jazz”. For these ones “I like dance music” “I like rock music.” For different ones, for all of these you can say ‘jazz’ ” I like jazz music” ” I like hip hop music” But usually when we're when we're speaking in English, we say “Classical, Jazz, hip hop, Latin music, Pop music.” Because there are many different kinds of pop. There’s popular food, popular restaurants, popular places. So, when we’re talking about pop, say pop music. These are the different kinds of music and this is what we talked about here today. First one “Do you like hip hop?”” we talked about me having a conversation with your professor. You say, I would say “yes, I do. I like hip hop. It’s great.” We’ll talk about this “it’s great” “it’s ok” or “it's terrible.” We’ll talk about that in our grammar video. Different ways to say that you like something. “Who is your favorite singer or group?” “I like Madonna.” “I don’t like Shakira.” This is different groups and different singers. We’re talking about specific. I like this person. I don't like this person. I don't like that person. Kinds of music vocabulary. We talked about “What kind of music do you like? “I like rock music.” “I like pop music.” Different styles. Different kinds of music. If you following along in a book ‘Smart Choice Second Edition’ this page 24. If you want some more practice online they give you a bunch of different artists. What is Lady Gaga? Lady Gaga is pop music. What is Eminem? Eminem is hip hop music. You have to find artist and match to what kind of music it is. I’m gonna skip this one for now, but If you don’t know artist, or you are not familiar with the artist, you can go the here “allmusic.com/genres”. Genres is another words kind. These are the different kinds of music and it will have list of the different singers and different groups. So, this is a really good website that has all the list of them. If you want to go through and listen again one more time, this video on ‘Youtube’ (you just typed this video on ‘YouTube’) and it will show you the name in really really big letters, it'll say the name, the kinds of music and you can listen for 10 or 15 seconds to the different kinds of music. So I really recommend going to this one, because it has more than the eight that we talked about here. So these are references. This is the completion of lesson 1. Please come back for lesson number 2. We’re going to be doing grammar. We're going to look at: “I like” “I don't like” “he likes” “she doesn't like.” So, we're going to be doing and dislikes in our lesson 2. We're here in week 4 already and I want to thank you for coming to watch this video This is Seoul Digital University’s English Language Department’s Basic English Conversation 1. I am your professor, Ronald Lethcoe, and I will see you next time.